Try This: Stenciled Water Bottle
With Hurricane Sandy rations not far off my mind, this simple tutorial fancies up tap water to give a little character to a plain glass swing-top bottle.
Read on for the full how-to.

Materials: Swing-Top Glass Bottle, Glossy Glass Paint, Sponge Brush, Xacto Knife, Vinyl Contact Paper, Large "Water" Print-Out*
For my print-out, I used Anchor Jack in size 100. If you don't use this exact font, I'd suggest one with with a decent thickness to it.

ONE: Transfer the outline of the print-out onto your vinyl contact paper.
Since my contact paper was black, I did this by covering the back of my print-out in yellow chalk, placing it on top of the vinyl, and applying pressure while outlining the print-out with an empty pencil. This left behind a chalk outline on my vinyl. If you were using a lighter vinyl, you could use the same process but cover the back of the print-out with pencil.

TWO: Carefully cut out each letter with an Xacto knife to create a stencil, paying special attention to keep the inside pieces for the A and R.

THREE: Peel the backing off the vinyl and carefully apply the stencil (along with the little inside pieces) to the bottle.

FOUR: Evenly dab the glass paint over the stencil with a sponge brush.

FIVE: After about 5 minutes, carefully peel away the stencil. Use the Xacto knife to scrape and clean up any jagged or imperfect edges. Allow to cure according to the directions on the paint bottle.
Look at that tap water...so fancy!

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