Try This: Stained Wood Bead Necklace
Well, I've done it again. I've fallen victim to the versatility of wooden beads and discs. You've seen me use them before here, here, and here, and I'll be honest, this probably won't be the last time either. But I'm telling you people, I'm still on the same $3 bag of discs! The possibilities are endless! This one ups the sophistication with a little wood stain.
Read on for the full tutorial.

Materials: 5 large wooden beads, 4 comparably sized wooden discs, black leather cord, dark wood stain, black craft paint, paint brushes, electric drill

One: Stain each of the 5 wooden beads. Let the stain penetrate for about 10 minutes, and then rub the excess away with a clean paper towel.

Two: Drill holes through the very center of each of the wooden discs. Make sure that the hole is big enough to accommodate the leather lace.

Three: Paint the wooden discs black.

Four: String the beads and discs onto the leather lace alternating between bead and disc and beginning and ending with a bead.

Five: Close the necklace by overlapping the leather laces and tying each side to the other side with an overhand knot. This technique makes the necklace adjustable, which I think is a pretty swell bonus.
I've been wearing the crap out of this necklace lately, and for some reason, I'm utterly convinced that it is the perfect fall necklace (is there such a thing, I don't know). What do you think?

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wooden beads are the best! and what a lovely necklace you made here!