Etched & Confettied Party Punch Cups
A relatively easy project to punch* up some thrift store punch cups!
*get it?

Materials: Glass Punch Cups, Etching Cream, Masking Tape, Paint Brush, Enamel Paints, Fine Tip Squeeze Bottle
My local thrift store always has a gaggle of these glass punch cups for about a dollar a pop. You can find etching cream at your local craft store. In mine, it's located with all the glues, which I personally don't find intuitive.

Directions: Tape off little triangles with strips of masking tape.

Apply the etching cream to each of the triangles with a paint brush.

Wait and rinse according to the directions on the bottle. Remove the tape to reveal adorable little etched triangles. Now, you could stop there, but I didn't. Honestly, I wasn't satisfied with the edges of my triangles. They were a little wobbly (using a vinyl tape would solve this problem), so I took it to the next level...

Apply thin lines of enamel paint to an edge of each of the triangles using a fine tip squeeze bottle. I used three different colors.

Kind of fun, no? And cheap.

find me elsewhere
Super-cute! I use contact paper when I etch.