Kate Spade
Anyway, this project is an homage to this girl, because I feel like she might actually give this project a chance (putting aside the fact that this girl could afford a head-to-toe Kate Spade ensemble so is probably too busy making money in an industry that would embrace this outfit (PR maybe?) to waste time on Sculpey crafts).

Faceted Bauble Shoe Clips

Materials: 2 fun, contrasting colors of Oven-Bake Clay, Wire, 2 Shoe Clips
This clay is available at the craft store in tons of colors for about $3 a block. This project only uses about half of each block. Shoe clips are generally available in the jewelry-making section of the craft store, or you can order them from an Etsy seller.

Directions: Take a bit of the clay, roll it into a ball. Flatten each side on a smooth surface until cube-like, then add in some extra "facets" by flattening out a corner here or there by pressing down on a smooth surface. Finally, run a length of wire through to make a hole so that you can string them up and attach them to your shoe clips later.

I made 5 baubles for each shoe. My biggest ones were about 3/4" in diameter and my smallest about 1/2".

Once you've baked them in your oven according to the directions on the packaging, let them cool, and cut a length of wire about 10" long for each clip.

String the baubles onto the wire.

Now bend the wire back around on itself to gather the baubles up into one super bauble (yes, that's a thing). Give the wire a twist or two.

Attach to the shoe chip.
Put 'em on some adorable pumps or flats and commence being fabulous.

find me elsewhere
I want to do this! I bought some of that clay a few months ago, but didn't end up using it for the project I had envisioned.